5 ways to keep your children safe from bug bites

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When spending time outdoors, children are often more susceptible to bug bites, which can cause discomfort and potentially transmit diseases. As a parent or caregiver, it's essential to take proactive measures to protect your children from bug bites. In this blog post, we'll discuss five effective ways to keep your children safe and minimize their exposure to bug bites. You can also get Pest Control from Nakoda Urban Services for getting rid of Bug Bites.

Apply Insect Repellent:
Using insect repellent is one of the most effective ways to keep bugs at bay. Look for repellents specifically formulated for children, with a concentration of 10-30% DEET, picaridin, or IR3535. Apply the repellent to the exposed skin, following the instructions carefully. Avoid applying repellent on children's hands, as they may touch their faces or put their hands in their mouths.

Dress in Protective Clothing:
Covering your child's skin with appropriate clothing can act as a physical barrier against bug bites. Dress your children in long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks whenever possible, especially during peak mosquito or insect activity times. Choose light-coloured clothing to make it easier to spot any crawling insects on their clothes.

Use Bed Nets and Window Screens:
Indoor protection is crucial, particularly against mosquitoes and other flying insects. Use bed nets or mosquito nets over your child's crib or bed to prevent bites during sleep. Ensure that windows and doors have properly fitted screens to keep bugs out of the house. This is especially important during warmer months when windows are likely to be open.

Avoid Peak Activity Times:
Bugs, such as mosquitoes, tend to be more active during specific times of the day. Avoid outdoor activities during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. Plan outdoor playtimes and outings for mid-morning or late afternoon when insect activity tends to be lower. If you must be outside during peak times, take extra precautions with protective clothing and insect repellents.

Eliminate Standing Water and Bug Habitats:
Standing water serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, while some regions of your yard or garden can attract bugs. Take steps to eliminate standing water sources, such as emptying containers, cleaning gutters, and maintaining proper drainage. Regularly inspect and address areas where bugs may thrive, such as stagnant pools, dense vegetation, or decaying organic matter.

Bonus Tip: Teach Children about Bug Safety:
Educating your children about bug safety can also help prevent bites. Teach them to recognise common bugs, avoid touching or swatting at insects, and seek an adult's help if they notice any bites or stings. Encourage them to stay calm and avoid panicking if they encounter bugs, as sudden movements can attract more attention.


Protecting your children from bug bites requires a combination of preventive measures and awareness. By using insect repellents, dressing them in protective clothing, using bed nets and window screens, avoiding peak activity times, and eliminating bug habitats, you can significantly reduce the risk of bug bites. Additionally, teaching children about bug safety empowers them to be cautious and seek assistance when needed. Prioritizing bug bite prevention ensures that your children can enjoy outdoor activities while minimizing the discomfort and potential health risks associated with bug bites.